Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Gnome of My Own

Blogging seems hard these days. All I can think of is one line to say, and then I just say it on facebook, but I think I am about ready to get back to this. Stories are so much more meaningful than single sentences.
Well, the big deal since the last blog is that Elliot has started preschool! He is loving it, and learning so much. I think it's great for him to be around other children, and spend more time in a group setting where he has to learn about rules and listening to teachers. At the same time, since he's in a Montessori school, he has a lot of freedom and creativity with what he does, and I think that makes him a happier boy as well. Although he is only going to school three half days a week, I can tell that his overall behavior is better, and he just seems to be a happier child with so much learning going on, and the stimulation of a different environment.

I am also really excited to be getting involved with his school. One of the things I love about it is that parent participation is required. I have volunteered to head the decorating committee for their annual Fall Family Festival, which is their major fundraiser of the year. Hopefully I haven't gotten in over my head, but I'm really stoked to meet some parents and get creative together!

Here are some recent pictures of Elliot:

For some reason I recently thought it would be a good idea to take Elliot on a hike in a new recreation area that has opened near Santa Maria. Not such a good idea. It was very frustrating with him stopping every three seconds, complaining of getting tired, etc. Also, I realized later that you aren't supposed to go off the trail or climb trees at all.
So, here's Elliot breakin' the law.

Tree hugger!

A somewhat typical Saturday morning of post-pancake hyperactivity.

Elliot has been wanting to dress up lately. I think it started when I brought him to my friend Jessica's Acholi Bead party the other night, and he wanted to wear all the necklaces, but I wouldn't let him. The next day he started wearing Austin's shoes around the house, then put on his basketball shorts, then a sweatband. The next day he dressed himself, and had on a 70's style shirt of Elisha's that Brandi left here, black sweat pants, one of my headbands worn across the forehead, and two of my hair bands on his wrist for a bracelet. Hmm... so I decided to get him a costume, and found this super cute Garden-Gnome costume at Walmart of all places. But also I think it would be really easy to make. Especially if you already have the pants, plaid shirt and suspenders. All you really need is the beard and the gnome hat (with eyebrows attached.) Just felt and fabric. Anyway, he's the cutest gnome ever, and loves wearing his costume. Even asked to wear it to bed. Yesssss! Elliot continues to have the greatest imagination I've ever seen in a kid. The other day I came to pick him up from school, and he was pretending to be an owl up in a tree. Oh, and in case you ever see him pretending to be a bee, his bee name is Rightie. Acting lessons?


Leanne Barker said...

thats pretty much the cutest gnome ever!

Lott said...

Haha, I liked your post very much. You have a cute dwarf. Congratulations :)