Daddy's home! Here are they boys, having a jolly old time doing a piggy back ride. Or, as Elliot calls it, a backpack. Aren't they cute?
Here they are at the Honeymoon Cafe in Pismo after a trip to the beach. Elliot was getting pretty tired and squirrelly but he still had fun. Ah, so good to have the whole family together!
I just had to throw this one in of Elliot because he is so good-looking. I took this while Elliot and I were walking/hanging out on the beach watching Erik surf. Elliot is actually pretty into taking long walks and looking for shells, which is more fun for me than digging in the sand, so that works out well for all of us.
Erik is amazed at how much more Elliot can talk now. He's been using complete sentences more and more. The other day I came into the house and shut the door behind me quite innocently, not realizing that he wanted to shut the door for me. So, he said, "That's ridiculous, mom! You're getting a time out!" I laughed a lot at that one. Then, tonight, Erik was telling him how he might go surfing tomorrow morning. Elliot said, "Um, problem. I can't go surfing right now. I would fall in the water. Maybe just take a bath?" It was so funny! Erik says, "Oh really, it's gonna be a problem?" Elliot says, "Yeah, I think that's gonna be a problem." Who knows where he gets these things?
Also, for those who are wondering, Elliot is very excited and happy to have his dad home. For the last few days, he's been asking for Erik every time he needs help, and every time he wants to play. I am glad they are having some bonding time, and it's great to see them enjoying each other, together once again.